Release Notes - openSEEK - Version 1.3.0
New Feature
- [OPSK-848] - Support Datafiles that contain multiple files
- [OPSK-1020] - Configuration to turn openBIS on or off
- [OPSK-1021] - Register an openBIS endpoint for a project
- [OPSK-1022] - A simple view of Data sets from openBIS
- [OPSK-1024] - Adding a data set from openBIS to SEEK
- [OPSK-1095] - OpenBIS Icon
- [OPSK-1096] - Show Browse Openbis Button if there are spaces defined
- [OPSK-1097] - Improve view for list of openbis spaces
- [OPSK-1098] - Browse Openbis should default to the first space
- [OPSK-1100] - Card like list of openbis datasets
- [OPSK-1101] - A button to refresh the cache when viewing a datafile, or openbis browse view
- [OPSK-1102] - Default openbis space for Docker
- [OPSK-1104] - Default sharing policy for openbis space
- [OPSK-1105] - Restrict changes that can be made to an openbis datafile
- [OPSK-1106] - Apply default project license when adding a dataset
- [OPSK-1107] - Stop datasets being added twice
- [OPSK-1109] - Handle destroy for OpenBisSpace
- [OPSK-1026] - Review and improve the openBIS gem and jar file
- [OPSK-1129] - Highligh rows when hovering in file list view
- [OPSK-1130] - Make cache refresh period configurable as part of the space
- [OPSK-1133] - Delete openBIS job when deleting endpoint definition
- [OPSK-1139] - Protect against first person being admin in tests
- [OPSK-1167] - Encrypt the stored password for openbis
- [OPSK-1170] - Use title for root of zip when downloading openbis datafile
- [OPSK-1173] - Double check the search indexing of openbis metadata
- [OPSK-1175] - Hide the openbis download button if total size is over a configurable value
- [OPSK-1037] - Remove the old treatments extraction
- [OPSK-1060] - Use "Real Number" instead of "Float" for describing the attribute type
- [OPSK-1062] - Fix how the openbis connection information and authentication is handled
- [OPSK-1067] - DatasetFile querying and downloading using wrong permID
- [OPSK-1103] - Show openbis metadata and files more cleaning in DataFile view
- [OPSK-1113] - Background job to refresh openbis space cache
- [OPSK-1115] - docker compose needs to share tmp/cache with workers
- [OPSK-1117] - OpenSEEK docker compose
- [OPSK-1122] - Extend functional tests to test ajax calls cannot be accessed without the correct permissions
- [OPSK-1074] - Clicking disabled cells doesn't do anything
- [OPSK-1075] - Adding a new project doesn't add a row to the permissions table
- [OPSK-1076] - Download option is missing from access type dropdown in both modals
- [OPSK-1082] - Avoid adding a duplicate space
- [OPSK-1087] - When editing a resource, associated projects are not marked as "mandatory" in the permissions table
- [OPSK-1118] - Decide what to do about missing project permissions
- [OPSK-1119] - Need to support legacy policies with "FavouriteGroup" permissions
- [OPSK-1132] - Test the Vue table using Jasmine or similar
- [OPSK-1135] - Remove all references to defunct `sharing_scope`
- [OPSK-1049] - Orphaned policies left behind when assets destroyed
- [OPSK-1053] - ISA do not give the edit permission for creators
- [OPSK-1086] - Disk cache not cleared out between test runs
- [OPSK-1112] - openbis ruby API returns wrong dates
- [OPSK-1124] - Project members should be able to browse and register datasets
- [OPSK-1126] - Fix DataFile and revert to single content-blob
- [OPSK-1163] - No option to set default system wide public policy to hidden
- [OPSK-1164] - Tidy up and package openbis API gem
- [OPSK-1166] - Default space sharing permissions not applied when adding from openbis
- [OPSK-1168] - No activity log is created for DataFiles registered through openBIS
- [OPSK-1169] - Sharing matrix actions seem to be misaligned
- [OPSK-1172] - Error when DataFile upload validation fails when associating with an assay
- [OPSK-1176] - DataSet type isn't shown correctly on the DataFile page